Monday, December 15, 2008

We miss Daddy!

We are going on our 8th week (or 9th?!) of Tyler working in Minnesota and commuting home on the weekends. I am not going to lie, the kids are having a real hard time with this. Sunday evenings are a bear. Olivia cries for a good half an hour and remembers everything she did with Daddy over the weekend. ("Mommy, remember how Daddy took care of my hurt finger? Remember how he helped me with my mittens? Daddy made the best snowman. WAAAAAAAAH!!) Luke gets a little naughty and when reprimanded, yells (I mean yells!) for Daddy. At one point last night, they were both crying so loud, Brady and I looked at each other and wondered if we should start crying or laughing! Well, soon this madness is going to end. We are closing on a house in Rochester on December 30. It is a beautiful home with a small city lot. (It will be a big adjustment from the 1 acre we have now!) As everyone knows, the housing market is horrible! It bit us in the a** here in Wisconsin, but we got an incredible steal on a house in Rochester.

Anyways, here's to Daddy!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

It sounds like you have your hands full, Shannon!!!!!!!!!!!