Monday, December 8, 2008

Brady's Birthday Party

Brady is soooo....BIG!

Grandpa Tim let Brady dig into his cake. As you can guess, Brady loved it!

Oops! We don't have a bib on!

Brady getting ready to open presents. He got a lot of toys and 10 board books between St. Nick's Day and his birthday! Brady loves books!

Great Grandma spending some quality time with the birthday boy.

The second round of Brady's birthday. We ended up having birthday cake twice so both sides of our family could be their to witness the event!

I love this picture!

Brady ended his festive day with a bottle given by his godmother, Aunt Kimmy.

We went to the doctor today for his check-up. He is 20 lbs 2 oz. (10th-15th percentile). His height is 29 inches (25th-50th percentile). So Brady is a little on the light side, but that has been consistent since birth. The doctor also checked out his ears because he has a horrible cold. It turns out that he has an infection around his tube in his ear. (He had tubes put in at 6 months.) So he is on antibiotics and ear drops for the time being. Another good report is his soft spot has receded nicely. It is still larger than a "normal" baby. (This is just one of the symptoms of having congenital hypothyroidism.)
Wow! That was quite the detailed report. Hope everyone is feeling well!

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