Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Leg Update, Part 2

Sorry, I hope that is not too gross!

Well, today Olivia was trying to reach for some puzzles that were too high. All the puzzles fell on her and cut her toe. Her screaming lasted for approximately 15 minutes. Mom's sanity lasted for 2 minutes. Man this girl is something else. Yesterday we were in the parking lot at Sears when she tried to get out of our parked car. I was busy helping the two boys. Next thing I know Olivia falls out of the car taking Luke's booster seat with her. Yes, Olivia is laying there with her casted leg and Luke's booster seat about three feet away from her. Now most Moms would be rushing over and consoling their child. However, I am soooo use to this. I told her to stand up and put the booster seat back in the car. Believe it or not, no tears were shed. (I think she is growing accustomed to her clumsiness. I have NO IDEA where she gets it from.)


Katie McNamara said...

Olivia is truly your daughter! Glad to see see that she carries on the McNamara coordination. Love, Aunt Katie

Jake Weiss said...

I didn't know you guys were moving? That sucks! I'm sure going to miss those adorable kids of yours. Poor Olivia in her cast. She's so cute.

At any rate congrats to Tyler on the promotion. Shelle and I send our love.
